Tuesday 28 July 2009

that's what friends are for :o)

"keep smiling, keep shining, knowing you can always count on me, for sure.
that's what friends are for.
for good times and bad times, I'
ll be on your side forever more.
that's what friends are for."

Dionne Warwick and friends

new friends, old friends, friends who have become ones family. it's hard to imagine life without them. I'm lucky to have friends who's stuck by me through thick and thin, through good times and really bad and for that I am forever grateful.
I wish I knew what I've done to deserve such loving friends.

I'm looking forward to pamperi
ng a new friend this weekend, be there for her, let her get what she needs off her chest....it's never easy going through a break-up, losing ones closest friend and lover in one swoop.

lots of talking, laughing, crying, dancing, singing and whatever more she needs to feel
a wee bit happier is schedueled hehe

to be or not to be....friends?

Rachel: "Yeah, well, word of advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise next time you're gonna find yourself sitting at home, listening to that album alone."
Joey: [pause] ... "Are we still talking about sex?"

what is it they say about two-faced people? I don't remember but it makes me sad thinking about how this bloke I used to go out with turns into a totally different person when he drinks.
is what comes out then bull or true?

we try time and time again to be mates but he doesn't seem to know quite what to say then. although as soon as he gets some alcohol into his system, he turns into the charming lad who seduced me into dating him and he tells me things that makes me wonder about those days...yet again.

but then he goes and does something stupid and totally spoils his chances. last time he leaned forward and whispered into my ear: "are any of these guys a safer bet over me?" I smiled and asked: "do you mean just for tonight or for something more?" he hesitated a moment, then replied: "both" and I answered thruthfully: "yes".
I'm sure I would've regretted being so honest when I saw his hurtful expression if I hadn't been busy talking to the other guys.

we make plans to hang out, to keep in touch, to talk and he always vanishes into thin air without any word even resembling an apology. I'm so used to it by now that I always make other plans to avoid feeling the irritation grow inside.

our next planned meet is Saturday, when we're both out...
we'll see about that! :p

Monday 27 July 2009

I love Mondays!

"and the scool's out early and soon we'll be learning the lesson today is how to die. and then the bullhorn crackles, and the captain tackles with the problems and the how's and why's and he can see (no reasons) 'cause there are (no reasons) what reasons do you need to die, die, oh
(tell me why) I don't like Mondays (tell me why) I don't like Mondays I want to shoot the whole day down"
Sir Bob Geldof

I don't remember how I came to love Mondays so but I do.
and I also love this song. why is it that you can listen to some songs over and over and over and never get tired of it? :o)

I love that Mondays feel like a fresh beginning, a new start. nice to go back to work, one day closer to next weekend and it's a nice evening to curl up on the couch on.

I remember when the new episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. was aired on Mondays, talk about a night to look forward to! hehe
but as a mate just reminded me of, there's no law and order on tonight so it's a crappy tellynight nowadays....if you're not a girly who loves lipstick jungle, '
cause then it's grand! ;o)

Saturday 25 July 2009

I wonder why that is....

"who I am is who I wanna be!"
- Reba

it sometimes makes me wonder why people seem to have such difficulties accepting who I am. I live my life how I fancy, not to suit anyone else. is that wrong?

don't get me wrong, I couldn't give a toss about what others reckon when it comes to me but it starts to get on me nerves when they're bloody rude about it.

it's the whole notion of society sort of surrounding single women that bugs me. why is it ok for guys to date and have fun, not to mention stay single? why isn't it ok for women to date, have fun and stay single?

how come everyone should strive towards, long for, yearn even to be in a relationship? is two the lucky number for everyone?

oh and if you happen to be a single woman, don't even think about staying anything but chaste. 'cause seriously, if you do fancy a bit of a rumble now and then, who'd ever take you on for a serious relationship like?

I'm single by choice, shouldn't have to justify meself for enjoying going on dates and I certainly won't justify for anyone how I handle me sexlife!
I do have one, single as I am.

Thursday 23 July 2009

summerflings and lost loves

my mum used to tell me that I should
"never chase after two things in life:
trams and boys.
because when you least expect it, a new one shows up!"

another saying is that when it rains, it pours...funny how that fits sometimes... haha

flirting and dating put aside, a lot has been fixing people up this year. fun to see friends find happiness, love and fun times in unexpected places. makes me smile.
some last a few weeks, some months or even years, but everybody could do with a summerfling to brighten up the dull everyday-grind 'ey?!
I know I'd never turn a hot summerfling down ;o)

I reckon the best way to set people up is to casually bring them together at a party or other, get them talking to eachother without them knowing they've been set up is almost me fav bit hehe
am a bit of a sneak but seriously, how fun is it to feel tricked into talking to someone you don't fancy + never even met before just because you're single?
I certainly do not enjoy that bit, the pushy, charital way people have of feeling sorry for their single friend... it's like "let's set her up with someone so that she'll be happy"!
I bloody well am happy, thank youse very much, now bugger off!!
better to do it sneaky and if it works then grand, if not, then there's always next party to see who hits it off with whom :o)

and about lost loves, why is it that some bits of your heart seem to be forever lost? are we supposed to claim them back when the relationship ends or just come to terms with the fact that we did love and that's gone?
I wish it was as simple as to just being able to just walk up to a counter, hand over your receipt and your missing piece would be restored.
no more haunting emotions, thoughts and memories.

but that me duckies, is impossible, we grow through our chances, experiences, loves, losses and who would want to be stuck in the same place for the rest of their life?
I wouldn't be where I am inside today if I hadn't loved and lost. I wouldn't change a thing.
I love me.


"never been much for crying, nor have I sensed its gain.
I feel the emotions luring, as I listen to the rain."

the wind's making me think...alot.
I can't sleep as it's living it up outside. I hear it going through the leaves, playing with the flagpole's strings and sending a soft breeze in through the slightly open door. I shiver.

it makes me feel all autumny, ready for a fresh start. makes me long for a cup of tea, candelight and to be curled up on the couch under a cosy blanket.
I have to remind myself of what month it actually is before I climb up to reach for my winterduvet.

it is still july and I'm not quite finished with summer just yet...